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KCRW Public Radio 89.9 FM - Santa Monica, CA
KCRW Public Radio 89.9 FM - Santa Monica, California
- A community service of Santa Monica College - Broadcast frequencies: Los Angeles and Orange Counties KCRW 89.9 FM; Ventura County KCRU 89.1 FM; Palm Springs KCRI 89.3 FM; Mojave and Antelope Valley KCRY 88.1 FM; Twentynine Palms and Yucca Valley K207FA 89.3 FM; Gorman K209CN 89.7 FM; Banning K215BA 90.9 FM; Borrego Springs K225BA 92.9 FM; Ridgecrest K261AC 100.1 FM; Santa Paula K272DI 102.3 FM; Ojai K271AC 102.1 FM; Lemon Grove, Spring Valley K210CL 89.9 FM; San Luis Obispo KJRW 101.3 FM
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