World Radio Map: Central Africa   List of cities   Web links  

Map of radio stations in Central Africa

Carte radio de l'Afrique centrale / Mapa das estações de rádio em África Central

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Radio stations in Cameroon / Stations de radio au Cameroun

Douala radio stationsYaoundé radio stations

    Radio broadcasting in Cameroon began in 1941 (Radio-Douala). Cameroon Radio Television / Radiodiffusion-télévision du Cameroun – CRTV is the national broadcaster with one national station and 18 regional FM radio stations. Broadcasting is regulated by the National Communication Council – CNC (Conseil National de la Communication). Currently there are over 120 private or community radio stations in Cameroon; 130 FM transmitters. Primary languages on radio are French and English.
    Area: 475 650 km²; Population: 28.6 million; ITU country code: CME; callsign prefix: TJ

Radio stations in Gabon / Stations de radio au Gabon

Libreville radio stations

    Radio broadcasting in Gabon began in 1959 (Radio-Gabon, Libreville). Radio Télévision Gabonaise (RTG) is the national broadcaster with two FM radio stations. Broadcasting is regulated by the National Council of Communication – CNC (Conseil national de la communication). First French-language commerical radio station in Africa - Africa N°1, was founded in Gabon in 1980. Currently there are 40 private or community radio stations in Gabon; 1 AM and 55 FM transmitters. Primary language on radio is French.
    Area: 267 668 km²; Population: 2.4 million; ITU country code: GAB; callsign prefix: TR

Radio stations in the Central African Rep. / Stations de radio en Centrafrique

Bangui radio stations

    Radio broadcasting in the Central African Republic began in 1958 (Radio-Bangui, Ubangi-Shari). Radio Centrafrique is the national radio broadcaster with one radio station. Broadcasting is regulated by the High Council of Communication – HCC (Haut Conseil de la Communication). Currently there are over 20 private, community or confessional radio stations in Central African Republic; 1 Shortwave and 25 FM transmitters. Primary languages on radio are Sango and French.
    Area: 622 984 km²; Population: 5.7 million; ITU country code: CAF; callsign prefix: TL

Radio stations in Chad / Stations de radio au Tchad

N'Djamena radio stations

    Radio broadcasting in Chad began in 1955 (Radio-Tchad, Fort Lamy). National Office of Radio and Television of Chad – ONRTV (Office National de Radio et Télévision du Tchad) is the national broadcaster with one national radio station. Broadcasting is regulated by the the High Council of Communication – HCCT (Haut Conseil de la Communication). Currently there are 15 private or community radio stations in Chad; 1 Shortwave and 27 FM transmitters. Primary languages on radio are French and Arabic.
    Area: 1 284 000 km²; Population: 18 million; ITU country code: TCD; callsign prefix: TT

Radio stations in Rep. Congo / Stations de radio en Rép. du Congo

Brazzaville radio stations

    Radio broadcasting in French Congo and Equatorial Africa began in 1935 (Radio-Club-Brazzaville). Centre National de la Radio et de la Télévision (CNRTV) is the national broadcaster with 1 national and 2 regional radio stations on FM. Broadcasting is regulated by the High Council for Freedom of Communication – CSLC (Conseil Supérieur de la Liberté de Communication). Currently there are over 30 private or community radio stations in the Republic of the Congo; 1 Shortwave and 35 FM transmitters. Primary languages on radio are Kikongo, Kituba, Lingala, French.
    Area: 342 000 km²; Population: 6 million; ITU country code: COG; callsign prefix: TN

Radio stations in D.R. Congo / Stations de radio en Rep. dem. du Congo

Kinshasa radio stationsKisangani radio stationsLubumbashi radio stationsMbuji-Mayi radio stations

    Radio broadcasting in Belgian Congo began in 1937 (OQ2AA Radio-Léo, Léopoldville). Congolese National Radio Television – RTNC (Radiotélévision nationale congolaise) is the national broadcaster with 5 rado stations on FM. Broadcasting is regulated by the High Audiovisual and Communication Council – CSAC (Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel et de la Communication). Currently there are over 450 private or community radio stations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; 2 Shortwave and 470 FM transmitters. Primary languages on radio are Kikongo, Kituba, Lingala, Tshiluba, Swahili and French.
    Area: 2 344 858 km²; Population: 102 million; ITU country code: COD; callsign prefix: 9O~9T

Radio stations in Equatorial Guinea / Emisoras de radio en Guinea Ecuatorial

Malabo radio stations

    Radio broadcasting in Spanish Guinea began in 1946 (Radio Atlántica, Fernando Po). Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial – RTVGE is the national broadcaster transmitting on FM. Broadcasting is regulated by the Ministry of Information, Press and Radio (Ministro de Información, Prensa y Radio). Currently there are 2 private or community and 3 foreign stations in Equatorial Guinea; 3 Shortwave and 11 FM transmitters. Primary language on radio is Spanish.
    Area: 28 052 km²; Population: 1.7 million; ITU country code: GNE; callsign prefix: 3C

Radio stations in São Tomé and Príncipe / Estações de rádio em São Tomé e Príncipe

São Tomé radio stations

    Radio broadcasting in São Tomé began in 1949 (Rádio Clube de São Tomé). Rádio Nacional de São Tomé e Príncipe – RNSTP is the national radio broadcaster transmitting on AM and FM. Broadcasting is regulated by the General Regulation Authority of São Tomé and Príncipe – AGER (Autoridade Geral de Regulação de São Tomé e Príncipe). Currently there are 2 regilious and 3 foreign stations in São Tomé and Príncipe; 12 FM transmitters. Voice of America is broadcasting on Shortwave and Medium wave from São Tomé. Primary language on radio is Portuguese.
    Area: 964 km²; Population: 232 thou.; ITU country code: STP; callsign prefix: S9

Radio stations in Angola / Estações de rádio em Angola

Luanda radio stations

    Radio broadcasting in Angola began in 1937 (CR6AA Lobito). Rádio Nacional de Angola – RNA is the national radio broadcaster with 3 national and 18 provincial radio stations on AM and FM. Broadcasting is regulated by the Ministry of Social Communication – MCS (Ministério da Comunicação Social). Currently there are 8 private or community radio stations in Angola; 93 FM and 5 AM transmitters. Primary language on radio is Portuguese.
    Area: 1 246 700 km²; Population: 36 million; ITU country code: AGL; callsign prefix: D2~D3

See also

Radio in West AfricaRadio in Southern AfricaRadio in East AfricaRadio in North Africa

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